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Hello! I am Mayank Kumar.

I am a 2020 passout from department of Computer Science and Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology (BHU) Varanasi, having successfully completed an Integrated Dual Degree(B.Tech & M.Tech) program. I am interested and have working experience in fields like blockchains, game-theory, cloud computing, IoT, homomorphic encryption. I have been working for more than 2 years in the software development, and am looking forward to a lot more, unless ofcourse I suddenly inherit a boatload of money.

I have been to places and love travelling. Contrary to popular opinion, I prefer beaches to mountains. I am a huge movie/series buff. These are the titles I have watched. I have recently started reading. I have started with the obvious suggestions, but do give me a recommendation if you think it's worth the heed.

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